Upset People Are Left Beyond (Help Me Help You)


Unlock Amazon FBA Success: Free Business Essay & Insider Tips

What you'll gain:• Step-by-step guide to managing a no-touch Amazon FBA account• Exclusive access to Amazon Service Provider Network insights• Weekly actionable tips to skyrocket your e-commerce success. Don't miss out! Subscribe now and turn your Amazon store dreams into reality.

Welcome again to my amazing trailblazing startup,

Staying upset is not what I want. Look at all the big startups. They all have in common one simple thing. They are positive, community-driven professionals and investors.

We are all here as community professionals working in marketing or we offer consultancy to technologies such as Microsoft, HubSpot, Salesforce or other IT software consultancy businesses.

What I want to do in the next two years is to convince 1000 people from all of you (5000 subscribers) to buy my paid newsletters.

Why do I need to make this huge step forward?

I need your help. So, help me invest in my newsletters and read what content I will have to deliver to you. Cool down. You have time enough this year to subscribe to my paid newsletters. Why should you do it? I will make enough money to transform many lives. Help me to help you!

Warning. I am a new Amazon Seller. You must continue to read this broadcast to understand how my business journey will make me a huge income. In the newsletter below, you will see a list of products I listed on Amazon in the UK and the US, a gift (a FREE bottle of Sierra Tequila worth $25) and multiple tips on how to make SEO, advertise and select certified services to serve you.

By buying my newsletter, I can invest in partnering with more Amazon Sellers and provide more relevant content and strategies for you. You might be a Microsoft Cloud software. Don't worry. There is something sweet for you too. I will launch a Solana token to be sent free to #Hodl to all subscribers (Phantom wallet required). Don't be upset!

$21.00 / month

Paid Newsletter for Amazon FBA Sellers

I will show you how to manage Amazon FBA in 7 newsletters:
Find certified service providers
List a new product... Read more

Have you heard about the concept of Transformation in an online business? My paid newsletters will offer you a surprise, surprise journey with information on how I use the Transformation journey of digital technologies to invest in my online business with the money I received from you for my paid newsletters.

Remember what I said that upset people are left beyond?

Well, they aren't. You're my number one now! Upsetting you is my last wish, so I want to offer you another paid newsletter to subscribe to and help me make the big income I need for my Amazon - Microsoft startup.

$25.00 / month

The Secrets Of Launching A Microsoft US Consultancy Company In Spain, Tenerife

See when the story started. You will receive:
Insider information on competitors' moves and career development... Read more

I wish you a happy Merry Christmas,

Alin Stan (Romanian, 37, Single, Living in Birmingham UK)

Marketing Specialist

PS. Let's make a community-driven to make money. I will show you how smart incomes can transform lives, donate to charity, seek beautiful homes in London and in the US, and make amazing creative friends rent a studio and create amazing content to sell high.

Unlock Amazon FBA Success: Free Business Essay & Insider Tips

What you'll gain:• Step-by-step guide to managing a no-touch Amazon FBA account• Exclusive access to Amazon Service Provider Network insights• Weekly actionable tips to skyrocket your e-commerce success. Don't miss out! Subscribe now and turn your Amazon store dreams into reality.